Pursuing holiness

Spiritual Temperature

Towards deeper intimacy with God

Growing towards deeper intimacy with God Cultivating a hunger and thirst for righteousness Growing towards spiritual maturity

Spiritual Temperature

There are people who are in Daily Pursuit that are so hungry, very hungry to the extent that they stir the hunger in others. Who you walk with will ultimately determine your spiritual temperature.

Sometimes we hold on tight to people who drain out the anointing from our lives so when the call and desire to pray comes because of the associations we have had in the day time we are unable to have the strength to climb the spiritual mountain to encounter God in all His glory. The people around you will either encourage you in this walk or convince you it is not essential.

For me what is even scarier is professing Christians that are cold and embracing this life at the cost of the one to come. Don’t watch them because their lives will tell you calm down, take it easy. It’s doesn’t need all that. You are punishing yourself. Hmmmm that is from the pit of hell.

We have to get to the place where we can identify and clearly see the ministry of suffering. The ministry of putting our flesh under so that you can remain and abide in the spirit. Suffering may mean standing alone away from all the things that separate us from God.

Heavenly Father, I pray that you give us the Grace to break off all ungodly relationships that take us out of Your purpose and Your Will. I pray that we will cultivate a relationship with the Holy Spirit even if it means standing alone in the mighty name of Jesus.

Much love in Christ,

Your Sister,

Ruth ❤️
Pursuing Holiness TV

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Are you tired of being shallow in the things of God and desire a deeper intimacy with God? We desire to walk with you in our walk with God.