Pursuing holiness

About us

Towards deeper intimacy with God

Delivering accredited courses, books, bible studies and devotionals to assist your growth towards deeper intimacy with God, cultivate a hunger and thirst for righteousness and growth towards spiritual maturity.

Who we Are

We are a community committed to prayer, fasting, pursuing christlikeness and intimacy with God. Living abandoned to Christ, putting Him first above all things and spiritually equipping ourselves for eternity, while impacting local communities with the love of Christ.


To raise a generation of people who are:

  • Totally abandoned to Christ
  • Totally consecrated
  • Totally God’s.

Pursuing holiness goes against societal norms, but we embrace this challenge wholeheartedly!

The Call

Pursuing Holiness was established in 2012. We can clearly remember the days and nights when we would pray, worship and cry out for an authentic encounter with God. We wanted God’s presence and didn’t relent. We were hungry and thirsty for God, for truth and the biblical Christianity we so passionately read about in the scriptures and exploring the journey of the lives of the saints and fathers of the faith who had gone before us. Thus,

Pursuing Holiness was birthed from that place, in the midst of our disconnection with the heart of God; looking through the window into the beautiful garden of intimacy with Abba and knowing that there was more. There, outside of mediocrity, was freedom and a higher way of living that Christ purchased with His blood; beckoning us to come. Come, remain and abide with Me, come.

We don’t come as one of those who have attained perfection, but as a community in pursuit of the heart of God, who daily fails and falls short of the glory of God. We come as those who seek to learn, yet, at the same time are discontent with the shallow Christianity we have become satisfied to embrace. We write, not as philosophers or a theologians, but as a community who have encountered the living water that never runs dry.

We come like children still learning, but with a deep hunger and desire that one day we too will live in the full stature of Christ. So, when He comes, we also will look like Him. We come as broken vessels in need of a mighty saviour. We come empty, in need of filling. We come in our mess, yet not willing to redefine Christianity by our inabilities or carnal standards, but having the faith and belief that if God said it, He would bring it to pass.

Pursuing holiness is a passionate and relentless dedication to a life of complete surrender and unrestrained devotion.

The mandate

Over the years what started as a desire for more was then followed by a journey that has enable us to reach over 30,000 people worldwide through our online global prayer meetings. We journey with people and ministries who are hungry to grow in spiritual maturity and closeness to God through training and resources, which encourages believers to embrace a life of prayer and worship. We continue to have our global prayer meetings both in person and online.

Pursuing Holiness’ founder is a member of Kingdom Life Fellowship in the USA and sits on their Synod in the capacity of International Director of Pastors. The call of Pursuing Holiness is to encourage people back to the heart of God that goes beyond the facade of religion to a life of transformation, where, through progression and growth, the Holy Spirit will minister in freedom to do what only He can do.

Pursuing holiness is a passionate and relentless dedication to a life of complete surrender and unrestrained devotion.

Are you tired of being shallow in the things of God and desire a deeper intimacy with God? We desire to walk with you in our walk with God.


Spiritual Formation

There are no spiritual games without pains. I would soon expect farmer just prosper in business who contended himself with sowing fields and never looking at them till harvest as expect a believer to attain much holiness who is not diligent in his Bible reading, his prayers, and his use of Sundays.

J.C. Ryle

For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

Hebrews 12:11

But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.

1 Corinthians 9:27

A Spiritual Discipline is an intentionally directed action which places us in a position to receive from God the power to do what we cannot accomplish on our own…. The deep waters of God’s life are already flowing. We simply learn the strokes that will enable us more and more to be at home in them…. The human body is our power-pack of mind-body-spirit — we discipline it in order to practice cooperation with God.

Richard foster
life with God

  • spiritual disciplines

  • ancient Paths

  • spiritual RHYTHMS

  • spiritual formation


  • Monastic wisdom

  • Authentic Christianity

  • biblical holiness

  • Spiritual transformation

  • spiritual struggle

  • Heavenly Minded

  • Divine union




Contact Us

Do you desire an intimate relationship with God? We would love to journey with you.

Our Vision

I see God’s children coming in.
Totally abandoned, totally consecrated, totally God’s
I see God’s sons and daughters rising up, changing a generation.
Pursuing God and holiness.
I see God’s children putting him first, ready to die to self.
I see them praying, I see them crying, fasting and serving.
That the king of glory may come in.
I see the world filled with a generation created to worship Him.

I see God’s children coming in totally abandoned,
totally consecrated, totally God’s.

I see the lost coming home, the broken made whole.
I see the power of God in our midst as we worship.
I see an army rising from this place of every tongue and race.
God’s army, the army of our king.
I see God’s children coming in totally abandoned,
totally consecrated, totally God’s.
I see nations turning from sin, men and women running in.
I see salvation all around, as the roar of victory sounds.
I see the world saved, no more enslaved.
I see a generation rising, singing let the king of glory come in.

I see God’s children coming in totally abandoned,
totally consecrated, totally God’s.

I see sons and daughters among us willing to pay the price.
I see them trained and ready.
I see them dressed in holiness and humility.
A fervent spirit against the enemy
Totally abandoned, totally consecrated, totally God’s.
I see the sword on their tongues and love on their sleeves.
I see the stain of their saviour’s blood meeting their every need.

I see God’s children coming in totally abandoned,
totally consecrated, totally God’s.

I see children that we’re proud of, as they surrender all to God.
I see the young leading the blind making sure none is left behind.
I see a fire rising.

I see God’s children coming in totally abandoned,
totally consecrated, totally God’s.

I see a family of love, all for the sake of God.

I see God’s community.

I see you & me ❤

Pursuing Holiness isn’t what we do, but who we become.

meet our team


David Conlon

Chair of Board

Willem Du Plessis


House of Bread, Italy

Dr Tiffany Watkins


Karen Akoto


David Conlon

Chair of Board

Dr Tiffany Watkins


Shona Prest


Karen Akoto



Rev Ruth Conlon

Sylvia Conlon

Artist & Operations

Ben Elemide

Greatness Foundation

House of Worship, Abeokuta

Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord

Heb 12:14 ESV