Pursuing holiness

Stronger Together

Towards deeper intimacy with God

Growing towards deeper intimacy with God Cultivating a hunger and thirst for righteousness Growing towards spiritual maturity

Stronger Together

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 ESV Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

When you have become spiritually cold and inactive attempting to pray consistently for a duration of time becomes so difficult, one day you’re up the next day your down. In fact, as we are attempting to press into the things of God, we see the opposition of the enemy who will use all manner of distractions to get us in a place of inactivity and prayerlessness. When I get to a place like this having a prayer partner with a desire to press into the deeper things of God is a gift a priceless gift that can help you overcome the obstacles of quitting. Just having that accountability of a sister or brother beside you not only gives you stamina and strength but also helps you to defeat the discouragements and snares of the enemy. We see this in scripture two is better than one. If I am tired or weary, I have a sister who runs with me and will pursue me to pursue God. What a gift what a blessing. As we run this race, we need godly people, people in pursuit of true biblical Christianity, who have their focus on eternity and the kingdom of God to run with us as they will ensure that they are there to lift us up when we fall. There is a temptation to go it alone and the truth is you can do that for a while, but to sustain the burning fire on the altar of prayer as a lifestyle we must pray for godly companions. As our saying goes, we are stronger together. We can achieve much more together and overcome the plans and devises of the enemy when we set our hearts to be part of someone else’s journey.

We see the benefits of running together in the same way there are benefits for those who train and run for a marathon. As believers we need each other to survive. The wisdom and discernment required is seeking and allowing God to choose your running mate, because just as it takes one to lift you up it also take one to pull you down.

Heavenly Father revive our hearts and our spiritual lives. We acknowledge that we cannot do it alone and in fact without you we can do nothing. Lord we pray for divine connections for people who are consumed with zeal for your house. Connect us with people of prayer who will teach us to pray and run alongside us so that we can stand in Jesus mighty name.

Much Love in Christ,

Your Sister,

Ruth 😇❤️🔥🙏🏽
Pursuing Holiness

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Are you tired of being shallow in the things of God and desire a deeper intimacy with God? We desire to walk with you in our walk with God.