Pursuing holiness

Stronger Together

Towards deeper intimacy with God

Growing towards deeper intimacy with God Cultivating a hunger and thirst for righteousness Growing towards spiritual maturity

Stronger Together

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” Ephesian 6:10-11 ESV

Have you ever watched those films where you see the one solider who either got lost or was stranded and left alone? Unless he was the leading actor in the movie, the story never ends well; he is either killed or imprisoned. Often when I have read and studied the full armour of God, I have thought of myself as some wonder woman being equipped supernaturally with the endowed power of God to defeat the schemes and plans of the enemy. Often in my vision, I’m alone, I am victorious, and God is a hundred per cent for me. I know I need to stop daydreaming. I need to keep it real and see the truth is that alone I can only defeat One thousand, but two can defeat ten thousand. (Deuteronomy 32:30)

I have to remember those seasons when I am so weak and so weary, and I have given up because of the onslaught of the enemy. I have to remember those times when depression, stress and self-condemnation try to uproot me from the secure, rest and victory I get from being rooted in God. I need to remember when the enemy tells me this is it there is no way out or no way up when I am at my lowest with no consolation insight. I need to remember when I have dropped my shield of faith; I am in desperate need of covering. I need a sister or brother to reignite my hope and faith. I need to come to the place of humility that looks at my fellow soldiers and says, “I need you to survive”.

So often we focus on the armour the call of the individual soldier to go into battle. In the natural, this is hardly the case. Even the Old Testament, we see many examples of armies and troops being gathered together for war. We see David’s 37 mighty warriors (2 Samuel 23:8-37), even in the bible, we see where different territories and countries come together and make alliances to become a stronger force together.

Lord, I pray that you give us the simplicity of heart and mind that we can acknowledge that we are not as strong as we think. Lord get us to the place that we humbly recognise that yes that we have a big God who can defeat the schemes of the enemies in our lives, but often He fights our battles using other soldiers and believers He has equipped and trained for the fight. Lord, I pray for your grace and mercy. I pray that eroded trust in the body of Christ that prevents us from being authentic in our pain and struggles be healed so that we will stand as a mighty army stronger together, in Jesus mighty name.

Much Love in Christ,

Your Sister,

Ruth 😇🙏🏽❤️🔥
Pursuing Holiness

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