Pursuing holiness

He Knows The Real Me

Towards deeper intimacy with God

Growing towards deeper intimacy with God Cultivating a hunger and thirst for righteousness Growing towards spiritual maturity

He Knows The Real Me

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counsellor?” “Romans 11:33-34 ESV

God is all-knowing, his knowledge is incomprehensible to man to understand fully. All human effort to gain understanding is still foolish to the vastness of God. When we consider and ponder the knowledge of God, we begin to comprehend that our existence is not an accident. We start to see that we don’t know ourselves as our view of ourselves is influenced by our environment and upbringing. But God understands who we are and what we need. He knew us before we were born before we entered our mother’s womb. Wow, if we genuinely want to know who we are, and Gods purpose for our lives, it would be priceless to seek the truth of the Holy Spirit concerning who you are. Not who I am because of the experiences and pains of the past, not who I am based on the limitations I put on myself, neither who I am based on this limited mirror of this world, but Lord who am I in the light of your infinite mercy and design? Lord, when you show me who I am, conform me to your desire and will for my life.

He knows me, the real me. Not the person I think I am or even the person that I allow others to see but the innermost being that I am too limited even to comprehend. Even when I ponder on this, it’s mind-blowing that we have Holy Spirit with all knowledge with us at all times to guide and direct us and bring us into all truth. Can you even begin to imagine the level of truth God has put at our disposal? Can we see the many missed opportunities we have had to prevent our bad decisions that we overlooked because we ignored, disregard or did not recognise the limitlessness of his Grace and available knowledge for those that seek God, Holy Spirit?

Lord, I pray that we would no longer hide what you already know. That we will come to you openly and transparently, knowing that you know everything concerning our lives. Lord forgive us for every way we have ignored, overlooked or disregarded you leading and direction. Lord today we pray that your perfect will be done in our lives in Jesus name we pray.

Much Love in Christ,
Your Sister,
Ruth 😇🙏♥️
Pursuing Holiness

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