Pursuing holiness

True Followership (Part 1 – The Call to Follow)

Towards deeper intimacy with God

Growing towards deeper intimacy with God Cultivating a hunger and thirst for righteousness Growing towards spiritual maturity

True Followership (Part 1 – The Call to Follow)

Focus: Mark 1:16-21

16 As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 17 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” 18 At once they left their nets and followed him. 19 When he had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets. 20 Without delay he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him.

At one point or another, many of us decided to become followers of Christ. We didn’t want to be known as just Christians; we wanted to be more. Our pursuit was not just to be identified with Christ; we also wanted to carry the life and essence of being in Christ. Today, many people call themselves Christians, but a critical look at their lives shows a huge gap between their professions and their lives.

As read in the bible passage in focus above, at the beginning of Christ’s ministry, there was a need for followers who would later become witnesses to the truth and the bearers of His mandate to realise God’s purpose upon the earth. Jesus set out on the journey of recruitment, and this passage shows us how He did it. It shows us the requirements and the costs the disciples paid to become disciples.

When I was much younger in the faith, I used to think that the disciples were idle, unemployed people. However, a closer look into the scriptures showed otherwise. They were actively engaged professionals in their fields. They were working. Some disciples were fishers, tent makers, Lawyers, Tax collectors, tradesmen, physicians, doctors, writers, etc. This shows how costly their decision to follow Jesus was. Assuming they were people with no or low life, we would have thought that the decision to follow Him was due to their lack of direction and life.

Jesus met Peter and Andrew casting their net into the sea, “they were fishers”. The Bible says, “Jesus said, Come ye after me, and I will make you a fisher of men.” He would make FISHERS become FISHERS OF MEN. What kind of transformation makes fishers of men out of mere fishermen? What kind of proposition is this? Why would they have accepted this kind of strange offer?

The first consideration is that the most remarkable feat they could achieve as fishers is catching a very big fish. But I bet that we would never have known who they are today, as there are countless people who have achieved such a feat. But can we compare the worth of a fish to a soul?

Many achievements born out of human ambition are only earthly relevant with no eternal worth!

The second thing that occurred to me was that being a FISHER was not out of plan in the will of God for them, as we can remember that Jesus asked Peter to catch a fish so He could pay tax. But it wasn’t the essence of Peter’s life. Peter was a fisher outside Christ, but in Christ, Peter was a fisher of men! You may be doing fine in your field, but if you are outside Christ, you are a shadow of who you are!

Whatever you are outside, Christ is but a shadow of who you truly are. The true definition of our life lies in Christ! We behold our true identity by looking at Him – as we are made in His image! Our true picture lies in Him.

If Jesus called a fisher into transformation to fish men, then a tailor is invited not just to mend clothes but lives! He calls a barber or hairdresser to dress people’s destinies, not just their hair or head. As a nurse, you will not just be able to care for people’s physical bodies; you will also treat their souls. It’s all about seeing God in what we do. We are called to live purposefully wherever we are placed and with whatever is in our hands. The prerequisite for this transformation is to FOLLOW. Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will MAKE you”.

Many people struggle here and there, trying to become who they are not. They are trying to be fulfilled and to live purposefully. In Christ, we can find the true essence and purpose of our living. Christ is calling on men and women from every field of pursuit to find their lives, identity and purpose in Him. He says, “Follow me, and I will make you”! All things consist in Him. He wants to be at the centre of everything. Whatever your profession, God is interested in using it to bless and impart the souls of people and even generations to come.



Author: Benjamin Elemide

Benjamin is a writer, minister and strategist. He is the coordinator of Pursuing Holiness, Abeokuta.

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