Pursuing holiness

Soulful Program

Towards deeper intimacy with God

Delivering accredited courses, books, bible studies and devotionals to assist your growth towards deeper intimacy with God, cultivate a hunger and thirst for righteousness and growth towards spiritual maturity.

Soul Care for Christian Leaders

Nourishing the Spirit, Strengthening the Call

Course Overview

This package is tailored for individual leaders seeking deeper spiritual understanding and personal growth. It includes:

Initial Free Consultation:

A stepping stone to understand your spiritual journey and needs.

Bi-Weekly One-to-One Sessions:

Focusing on spiritual direction, exploring your interior life, spirituality, and intimacy with God.

Monthly Pastoral Supervision/Coaching:

Concentrates on strategic planning, accountability, and personal development.

Accountability Map and Plan:

A personalized strategy developed together to ensure you’re meeting your spiritual and leadership goals.

We believe that the heart of effective leadership lies in a deep, nourishing connection with one’s spirituality. Our “Soul Care for Christian Leaders” package is meticulously designed for leaders who are on a quest for a deeper spiritual understanding and committed personal growth.


In a world that constantly demands your attention and energy, finding the time and space for spiritual growth can be challenging. Our program offers you a sanctuary — a place to recharge, reflect, and refocus on what truly matters in your leadership journey. With “Soul Care for Christian Leaders,” you’re not just another leader; you’re a visionary, paving the way for a future where leadership is deeply intertwined with spiritual wisdom and grace.


This program is tailored for Christian leaders, pastors, ministry leaders, and anyone in a leadership role within the Christian community who seeks to:

  • Deepen their relationship with God,
  • Enhance their spiritual well-being, and
  • Strengthen their capacity for leadership through spiritual growth.


Initial Free Consultation

Begin your journey with a complimentary session designed to explore your spiritual journey and identify your needs. This initial step sets the foundation for a tailored soul care plan that aligns with your personal and leadership growth aspirations.

Bi-Weekly One-to-One Sessions

Dive into the depths of your spirituality with our personalized sessions. Every two weeks, you’ll engage in transformative conversations focusing on spiritual direction, exploring the nuances of your interior life, your spirituality, and your intimacy with God. These sessions are your safe space to uncover and nurture the spiritual dimensions of your leadership.

Monthly Pastoral Supervision/ Coaching

Leadership is a journey that requires not just spiritual guidance but also strategic planning, accountability, and continuous personal development. Our monthly sessions are dedicated to addressing these aspects, offering you pastoral supervision and coaching that’s geared towards enhancing your leadership skills while staying true to your spiritual path.

Accountability Map and Plan

Success in leadership and spiritual growth comes from setting clear goals and having a robust plan to achieve them. Together, we’ll develop an accountability map and plan that’s custom-made for you. This plan will be your roadmap, guiding you towards meeting your spiritual and leadership goals, with regular check-ins to track progress and navigate challenges.

Ready to Begin?

Take the first step towards transforming your leadership and spiritual life. Schedule your initial free consultation here. Let us walk with you as you nourish your spirit and strengthen your call.

The Soulful Church

Nourishing the Soul of the Church

Course Overview

This comprehensive package is designed for entire church organizations or teams, focusing on collective spiritual formation and organizational development. It includes:

All Elements of Previous Packages:

Personalized spiritual direction and group learning opportunities.

Strategic Development and Support:

Tailored to the needs of your church or organization, focusing on spiritual formation.

Group Spiritual Direction:

Enhancing collective spiritual understanding and practices.

Retreat Opportunities:

Specialized retreats for deeper encounters with God.

Our mission extends beyond the individual to embrace the whole church body. “The Soulful Church” program is our comprehensive answer to the collective need for spiritual depth and organizational development within church teams and Christian organizations. This initiative is designed to weave together the fabric of spiritual growth with strategic organizational planning, creating a cohesive and spiritually vibrant community.

Why Choose "The Soulful Church"?

In the rush of daily tasks and responsibilities, it’s easy for the spiritual heartbeat of an organization to grow faint. “The Soulful Church” offers a renewal of that heartbeat, inviting your team into a deeper, more connected way of being and serving together. Led by Ruth Conlon, with years of experience in pastoral care, spiritual direction, and leadership coaching, this program is an opportunity to realign with your core mission and values on a profound spiritual level.


This program is specifically tailored for:

  • Church leadership teams seeking to deepen their collective spiritual journey,
  • Christian organizations aiming to integrate spiritual practices with their mission and operations,
  • Any church community desiring to strengthen their capacity for collective leadership through spiritual growth.


All Elements of Previous Packages:

“The Soulful Church” includes personalized spiritual direction tailored to your organization, alongside opportunities for group learning that fosters a shared spiritual journey.

Strategic Development and Support

We understand that each church or organization has unique needs. Our approach is tailored, focusing on your specific goals for spiritual formation and organizational development.

Group Spiritual Direction

A cornerstone of our program, these sessions offer a space for teams to explore and deepen their spiritual practices together, enhancing collective understanding and unity.

Retreat Opportunities

Designed to foster deeper encounters with God, our specialized retreats provide a sacred space for renewal, reflection, and communal growth.

Ready to Begin?

If you’re feeling the call to deepen the spiritual life of your church or organization, “The Soulful Church” is here to guide and support you on this journey. Contact us to discuss how we can tailor this program to meet the unique needs of your community. Together, let’s embark on a path of strategic spiritual growth, transforming your organization from the inside out.

Contact Information

Embrace this opportunity to nurture the soul of your church or organization, fostering a community that is spiritually alive and strategically equipped to fulfill its divine calling. Reach out today, and let’s explore the possibilities together.

The Soulful Collective

Expanding Spiritual Horizons Together

Course Overview

This advanced package includes all elements of the basic package, with additional focus on community learning and accredited courses. It offers:

Weekly Spiritual Direction Videos:

Guided learning to deepen your understanding of becoming a spiritual director.

Community Workshops:

Monthly gatherings with other women in leadership to practice and refine spiritual direction skills.


Access to an accredited course for structured spiritual growth.

Welcome to “The Soulful Collective,” where the journey of individual spiritual growth meets the power of community. Under the guidance of Ruth Conlon, with her rich background in pastoral supervision, spiritual direction, and leadership coaching, this program is designed to foster a shared space of learning, reflection, and deep spiritual engagement.

Why Choose "The Soulful Collective"?

At its core, “The Soulful Collective” recognizes the unique power of community in spiritual growth. Ruth Conlon brings to this program not only her deep personal commitment to spiritual formation but also a profound understanding of how collective experiences can enrich and accelerate our journey towards God. This program offers a chance to explore your spirituality in communion with others, fostering connections that support and enhance your individual path.


“The Soulful Collective” is perfect for:

  • Individuals seeking to deepen their spiritual understanding within a community setting,
  • Groups within churches or Christian organizations looking to explore spiritual practices and formation together,
  • Anyone eager to connect with like-minded souls on a journey toward deeper intimacy with God and each other.


Enhanced Group Learning:

Leveraging the collective energy of a group, our sessions are designed to facilitate shared discoveries and insights into spiritual formation, creating a rich tapestry of communal learning.

Spiritual Direction Courses:

Dive into structured learning with our spiritual direction courses, offering both foundational knowledge and advanced insights into walking closely with God in a supportive group environment.

Community Workshops:

Regular workshops provide opportunities to practice spiritual disciplines, engage in reflective discussion, and explore the dynamics of faith in a safe and nurturing space.

Accredited Course Access:

For those looking to formalize their spiritual journey, we offer access to accredited courses in spiritual direction, ensuring a grounded and comprehensive understanding of spiritual care and guidance.

Ready to Begin?

If you’re drawn to the idea of expanding your spiritual horizons alongside a community of like-minded individuals, “The Soulful Collective” awaits. Contact us to learn more about how you can become part of this transformative experience. Let’s embrace the journey together, discovering the depth and richness of a collective spiritual path.

Contact Information

Step into a space where your spiritual journey is both a personal quest and a shared experience. Reach out today, and let’s explore the vibrant landscape of “The Soulful Collective” together.

Soul Care for Christian Leaders

Nourishing the Spirit, Strengthening the Call
This package is tailored for individual leaders seeking deeper spiritual understanding and personal growth. It includes:
Initial Free Consultation: A stepping stone to understand your spiritual journey and needs.
Bi-Weekly One-to-One Sessions: Focusing on spiritual direction, exploring your interior life, spirituality, and intimacy with God.
Monthly Pastoral Supervision/Coaching: Concentrates on strategic planning, accountability, and personal development.
Accountability Map and Plan: A personalized strategy developed together to ensure you're meeting your spiritual and leadership goals.

The Soulful Church

Nourishing the Soul of the Church
This comprehensive package is designed for entire church organizations or teams, focusing on collective spiritual formation and organizational development. It includes:
All Elements of Previous Packages: Personalized spiritual direction and group learning opportunities.
Strategic Development and Support: Tailored to the needs of your church or organization, focusing on spiritual formation.
Group Spiritual Direction: Enhancing collective spiritual understanding and practices.
Retreat Opportunities: Specialized retreats for deeper encounters with God

The Soulful Collective

Nourishing the Soul Journeying Together in Spiritual Growth
This advanced package includes all elements of the basic package, with additional focus on community learning and accredited courses. It offers:
Weekly Spiritual Direction Videos: Guided learning to deepen your understanding of becoming a spiritual director.
Community Workshops: Monthly gatherings with other women in leadership to practice and refine spiritual direction skills.
Accreditation: Access to an accredited course for structured spiritual growth.

Soul Care for Christian Leaders

Nourishing the Spirit, Strengthening the Call

We believe that the heart of effective leadership lies in a deep, nourishing connection with one’s spirituality. Our “Soul Care for Christian Leaders” package is meticulously designed for leaders who are on a quest for a deeper spiritual understanding and committed personal growth.

Who Is This For?

This program is tailored for Christian leaders, pastors, ministry leaders, and anyone in a leadership role within the Christian community who seeks to:

  • Deepen their relationship with God,
  • Enhance their spiritual well-being, and
  • Strengthen their capacity for leadership through spiritual growth.

What We Offer

– Initial Free Consultation

Begin your journey with a complimentary session designed to explore your spiritual journey and identify your needs. This initial step sets the foundation for a tailored soul care plan that aligns with your personal and leadership growth aspirations.

– Bi-Weekly One-to-One Sessions

Dive into the depths of your spirituality with our personalized sessions. Every two weeks, you’ll engage in transformative conversations focusing on spiritual direction, exploring the nuances of your interior life, your spirituality, and your intimacy with God. These sessions are your safe space to uncover and nurture the spiritual dimensions of your leadership.

– Monthly Pastoral Supervision/Coaching

Leadership is a journey that requires not just spiritual guidance but also strategic planning, accountability, and continuous personal development. Our monthly sessions are dedicated to addressing these aspects, offering you pastoral supervision and coaching that’s geared towards enhancing your leadership skills while staying true to your spiritual path.

– Accountability Map and Plan

Success in leadership and spiritual growth comes from setting clear goals and having a robust plan to achieve them. Together, we’ll develop an accountability map and plan that’s custom-made for you. This plan will be your roadmap, guiding you towards meeting your spiritual and leadership goals, with regular check-ins to track progress and navigate challenges.

Why Choose "Soul Care for Christian Leaders"?

In a world that constantly demands your attention and energy, finding the time and space for spiritual growth can be challenging. Our program offers you a sanctuary — a place to recharge, reflect, and refocus on what truly matters in your leadership journey. With “Soul Care for Christian Leaders,” you’re not just another leader; you’re a visionary, paving the way for a future where leadership is deeply intertwined with spiritual wisdom and grace.

Ready to Begin?

Take the first step towards transforming your leadership and spiritual life. Schedule your initial free consultation here. Let us walk with you as you nourish your spirit and strengthen your call.

The Soulful Church

Nourishing the Soul of the Church

Our mission extends beyond the individual to embrace the whole church body. “The Soulful Church” program is our comprehensive answer to the collective need for spiritual depth and organizational development within church teams and Christian organizations. This initiative is designed to weave together the fabric of spiritual growth with strategic organizational planning, creating a cohesive and spiritually vibrant community.

Who Is This For?

This program is specifically tailored for:

  • Church leadership teams seeking to deepen their collective spiritual journey,
  • Christian organizations aiming to integrate spiritual practices with their mission and operations,
  • Any church community desiring to strengthen their capacity for collective leadership through spiritual growth.

What We Offer

All Elements of Previous Packages:

“The Soulful Church” includes personalized spiritual direction tailored to your organization, alongside opportunities for group learning that fosters a shared spiritual journey.

Strategic Development and Support

We understand that each church or organization has unique needs. Our approach is tailored, focusing on your specific goals for spiritual formation and organizational development.

Group Spiritual Direction

A cornerstone of our program, these sessions offer a space for teams to explore and deepen their spiritual practices together, enhancing collective understanding and unity.

Retreat Opportunities

Designed to foster deeper encounters with God, our specialized retreats provide a sacred space for renewal, reflection, and communal growth.

Why Choose "The Soulful Church"?

In the rush of daily tasks and responsibilities, it’s easy for the spiritual heartbeat of an organization to grow faint. “The Soulful Church” offers a renewal of that heartbeat, inviting your team into a deeper, more connected way of being and serving together. Led by Ruth Conlon, with years of experience in pastoral care, spiritual direction, and leadership coaching, this program is an opportunity to realign with your core mission and values on a profound spiritual level.

Ready to Begin?

If you’re feeling the call to deepen the spiritual life of your church or organization, “The Soulful Church” is here to guide and support you on this journey. Contact us to discuss how we can tailor this program to meet the unique needs of your community. Together, let’s embark on a path of strategic spiritual growth, transforming your organization from the inside out.

Contact Information:

  • info@ruthconlon.com
  • ruthconlon.com
  • +447869260053

Embrace this opportunity to nurture the soul of your church or organization, fostering a community that is spiritually alive and strategically equipped to fulfill its divine calling. Reach out today, and let’s explore the possibilities together.

The Soulful Collective

Expanding Spiritual Horizons Together

Welcome to “The Soulful Collective,” where the journey of individual spiritual growth meets the power of community. Under the guidance of Ruth Conlon, with her rich background in pastoral supervision, spiritual direction, and leadership coaching, this program is designed to foster a shared space of learning, reflection, and deep spiritual engagement.

Who Is This For?

“The Soulful Collective” is perfect for:

  • Individuals seeking to deepen their spiritual understanding within a community setting,
  • Groups within churches or Christian organizations looking to explore spiritual practices and formation together,
  • Anyone eager to connect with like-minded souls on a journey toward deeper intimacy with God and each other.

What We Offer

Enhanced Group Learning:

Leveraging the collective energy of a group, our sessions are designed to facilitate shared discoveries and insights into spiritual formation, creating a rich tapestry of communal learning.

Spiritual Direction Courses:

Dive into structured learning with our spiritual direction courses, offering both foundational knowledge and advanced insights into walking closely with God in a supportive group environment.

Community Workshops:

Regular workshops provide opportunities to practice spiritual disciplines, engage in reflective discussion, and explore the dynamics of faith in a safe and nurturing space.

Accredited Course Access:

For those looking to formalize their spiritual journey, we offer access to accredited courses in spiritual direction, ensuring a grounded and comprehensive understanding of spiritual care and guidance.

Why Choose "The Soulful Collective"?

At its core, “The Soulful Collective” recognizes the unique power of community in spiritual growth. Ruth Conlon brings to this program not only her deep personal commitment to spiritual formation but also a profound understanding of how collective experiences can enrich and accelerate our journey towards God. This program offers a chance to explore your spirituality in communion with others, fostering connections that support and enhance your individual path.

Ready to Begin?

If you’re drawn to the idea of expanding your spiritual horizons alongside a community of like-minded individuals, “The Soulful Collective” awaits. Contact us to learn more about how you can become part of this transformative experience. Let’s embrace the journey together, discovering the depth and richness of a collective spiritual path.

Contact Information:

  • info@ruthconlon.com
  • ruthconlon.com
  • +447869260053

Step into a space where your spiritual journey is both a personal quest and a shared experience. Reach out today, and let’s explore the vibrant landscape of “The Soulful Collective” together.