Pursuing holiness

‘So great a cloud’

Towards deeper intimacy with God

Growing towards deeper intimacy with God Cultivating a hunger and thirst for righteousness Growing towards spiritual maturity

‘So great a cloud’

“Therefore, since we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race set before us.” Hebrews 12:1


In the opening sentence of Hebrews 12, we are presented with a thought-provoking statement: “So great a cloud of witnesses.” Looking at the sky in Exmouth, Devon, I find it hard to imagine what makes a cloud great. As always, I am reminded that, in this instance, the term is the writer’s choice of words. Consequently, I am reminded that the term is wholly inspired by God’s revelation. As I search the sky for a cloud of greatness, I realise that I must ensure that I do not lean on my own understanding.

The overall picture presented to the reader could be compared with that of an event, such as the Paris Olympics in France over the past month. Those of us who watched this global event witnessed the excitement, noise, and shouts of encouragement coming from the cloud, all intended to encourage the contestants to cross the finish line. On reflection, our focus is not only on the contestants but also on the enthusiasm of the spectators.

The unknown writer of the book of Hebrews does not compare the crowd with an ordinary group of spectators. They are not being entertained by sponsors, nor have they been invited to a heavenly hospitality tent with fine wine and food. No, there is something spiritually significant about these onlookers, so much so that we need to ascertain why they are there and what their purpose is.

Anyone who has experienced investigations or trials will appreciate the importance of the role of an ‘expert’ witness. Their level of testimony goes beyond what someone else may have seen, heard or understood. The expert witness turns opinion or conjecture into fact. As a consequence, what the expert witness has to say often takes priority over what could be accepted as being a proven fact. Essentially, they are there to add weight and credibility to the presented evidence. Therefore, they bring important information and facts into the light.

We soon realise the word ‘great’ is being applied to both the cloud and the witnesses. In this case, the cloud contains not water vapour, but witnesses and the word witness is the key to the verse and this cloud of greatness. The word used in Hebrews 12:1 is ‘witnesses’ Greek (Martus) is associated with those who have announced the good news of the Gospel, it is also used as a designation of those who have suffered death as a consequence of confessing Christ as being their Lord and Saviour. In this context, the passage offers those running the race today much more than mere encouragement.

In effect, the level of witnesses referred to should humble us. We must realise that our journey is, in essence, an invitation to partake in the crucifixion, resurrection, ascension and glorification of Christ’s victory over death and sin on Calvary.

When I look at my own life and my failings, I cannot grasp the level of grace that allows me to be the recipient of encouragement from those who have gone before me, such as Stephen (Acts 22.20) or Antipas (Rev 2:13) or Tyndall or Bonhoeffer. Those names represent believers who have gone before us and continue, metaphorically, to play their part in the cloud of witnesses. Their testimony and witness of who Jesus is brought them to become martyrs of the faith. The great cloud in Hebrews 12:1 is full of so many, some known, and many unknown.

The cloud represents heaven, the final destination for those who can finish the race and receive the garland; the victory is finishing the race with our recognition of the Lordship of Jesus Christ still intact; it is there that we will stand in the presence of the Shepherd who recognises His sheep. The obstacles that must be overcome are the entanglement of this world. The temptation is for us to allow our endeavour and commitment to be diluted in favour of a gospel that fails to recognise the fullness of Christ Jesus. This is an overriding warning from the writer of Hebrews.

We must recognise the unity that exists within the cloud of witnesses together with their testimony. They have all run the race and are proclaiming that everything written about our Lord and Saviour is true. The warnings of being yoked with unbelievers are too often off the spiritual radar of the nominal Christian. The common theme is that “they will ultimately see the light”, and by His Grace, they may well do so. However, they may also end up blowing your light out. As the witnesses are unified in death we must be unified in life. We must seek to encourage both ourselves and others that the message of the whole Gospel is our lifeblood, we must also acknowledge that unbelievers (through the spirit of unbelief) may have the capacity to entangle us and by doing so will lessen our endurance to complete the race that has been laid before us.

So be encouraged by the cloud of witnesses, none have ever regretted the gift of Grace that equipped them to gain insight and understanding of the prize. On that basis, I encourage you all to reflect on the words of Jude.

Jude 1:3 NIV [3] Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.


David Conlon.

2 Responses

  1. Thank you for the writeup. It’s reflective and highly encouraging, as I realized that I am not alone in this race, and that God’s grace is sufficient for me, even when life gets overwhelming. It is quite deep because the Bible says when Jesus shall return, He will be with the clouds (Mark 13:26). This means the clouds here are people, witnesses, who have crossed to the other side before His return.

    I pray our lives become worthy to join the clouds when the time comes, whether in death or His return 🙏🏽❤️

  2. This is so great! What an eye opener! Thank you Holy Spirit! From now on, I will continually draw understanding from this message, I will contend for this faith so I can one day finish my race and be a partaker of this witness whom God helped and gave the testimony of victory. If they did it, then I can do it too. I can live right, think right, speak right and act right until my life becomes righteous.

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